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Saturday, October 21, 2023

October 21 -- "What is Better than Life?"

Today’s Reading: Psalm 56 & 63 

"What is Better than Life?"

What is better than life itself? After all, without our life, we cannot experience or appreciate anything in the created universe. Life is the most precious thing, right? Well, actually, David here tells us that God’s “steadfast love” is BETTER than life. Because, without God’s love, life would be empty and meaningless.  It is the love of God that makes life worth living.  It is the love of God that brings joy and satisfaction to our spirit. It is the love of God that causes our hearts to sing with rejoicing and praise. Nothing is better than God’s steadfast love!

This is why followers of Christ praise Him. Because we have discovered something far greater than life itself. We have discovered God’s steadfast love and that’s why our lips praise Him. If you don’t yet know Jesus as your Savior and Lord, then you are missing out on the very purpose and essence of life – to know God and be known by Him and to experience His steadfast love in your life. If you’re searching for the answer to the hollowness in your heart, look no further than to Jesus. Turn to Him, call on Him, put your faith in Him, confess your sins to Him, receive His forgiveness and His gift of eternal life. Only by doing so will you understand that His love is better than life.

Jesus once said, “I have come that they might have life, and have it more abundantly” (John 10:10). With those words, Jesus revealed that there is a plane of existence that is deeper than just living a physical life of body, mind, and emotions. Life is more than biology. There is an “abundant” form of life where our spirit is made alive and we experience what David refers to as “better than life.” Only in Him can we find this deeper and more meaningful abundant life.

Because His steadfast love is “better than life” something happens to our lips, our hearts, and our hands. Our lips praise Him, speaking and singing out words of admiration and worship. Our hearts bless him “as long as we live,” bringing honor and devotion from the depths of our spirit. And, our hands lift upward to express our thanks and celebrate His steadfast love. This is the posture of a true believer: lips that praise Him, hearts that bless Him, and hands lifted up to Him.

In this posture, we find “The Message” paraphrase of these verses most helpful… In your generous love I am really living at last! My lips brim praises like fountains. I bless you every time I take a breath; My arms wave like banners of praise to you.”

© Eugene H. Peterson by NavPress Publishing

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