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Tuesday, October 3, 2023

October 3 -- "The Secret to Success"

Today’s Reading: 1 Samuel 18

"The Secret to Success"

David prevailed over the Philistine champion with a sling and with a stone. This event marks the first recorded success of David’s life.  And as soon as David returned from striking down the Philistine, Abner (Israel’s military commander) took him, and brought him before Saul, the king. Saul recognized David’s success and put him into service to the kingdom.

Verse 5 of today’s passage says that, “David went out and was successful wherever Saul sent him, so that Saul set him over the men of war.”  Whatever Saul gave David to do, he did it—and did it well. Tragically, as David’s reputation for success increased, so did Saul’s anger toward him.  Saul began to fear David and his popularity. It was clear that God was with David and had left Saul. So, Saul got David out of his sight by making him an officer in the army. David was in combat frequently. But even there, he had great success.

Everything David did turned out well. We are told in verse 14, the singular reason for his success: “For the LORD was with Him.”  Everything that David accomplished was because God was with Him and was granting him success. And his success does not end here.  Eventually, David will ascend to the throne and become the king of Israel because God, in His sovereignty, decided to make him king.

Often, when we look at a person who is “successful” by the world’s standards, we point to their individual characteristics to explain their success.  Perhaps he/she was particularly astute and clever.  Or cunning and charming.  Or ruthless and determined.  Or had outstanding skills.  Or, perhaps, he/she was just lucky and success fell into his/her lap.  But it was none of these things that led to David’s success.

There is but one reason for David’s success. Only one way to explain his rise from an obscure shepherd boy to the leader of a dynasty.  And that is, “the LORD was with him.”  Whatever direction your life is taking, whatever course you are on, it is imperative that you look up and ensure that God is with you.  Don’t rely on your ingenuity or your determination or “luck” to find success.  Turn to the Lord.  Seek His direction for your life and rely solely on Him for your successfulness.  “Seek first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.” (Matthew 6:33)


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