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Thursday, October 5, 2023

October 5 -- "When the Lord is Between Us"

 Today’s Reading: 1 Samuel 20

"When the Lord is Between Us"

Jonathan was king Saul’s son and next in line for the throne of Israel. At least, that’s how Saul viewed the matter. But God had other plans.  He planned to remove Saul from the throne and install David as the new king. Although Saul knew in his heart that this was God’s plan, he refused to yield to it.  He fought hard to keep control of the kingdom and to pass it down to his son and succeeding generations.

Jonathan and David were best friends. They had grown up together in the royal household and their hearts were knit together in a true bond of friendship.  But David was in trouble. Saul was trying to kill him to prevent him from taking over the kingdom. So, against his own best interest, Jonathan devises a plan to protect David from his vicious father.  To seal the agreement, Jonathan invoked the statement, “The LORD is between you and me forever.” By uttering those words, Jonathan was invoking the watchful eye of God to keep an eye on both of them and to make them true to their words.

This phrase was commonly used in the Bible by two parties who entered a covenant or agreement.  It really started in Genesis 31 when Laban and Jacob, two sneaky, conniving, and deceitful men entered into an agreement to establish a boundary between them.  Laban recognized that both he and Jacob were “slippery” characters so he invoked the Lord’s help in keeping an eye on them and catching either one of them in the act if they attempted to renege on their deal. Thus, this phrase became a way of swearing to keep an agreement under penalty of God’s watchful eye.

Jonathan and David were not sneaky, conniving men like Laban and Jacob.  They were good friends who cared deeply for one another.  When Jonathan entered the covenant with David and the house of David, he did so honestly and with every intention of keeping the deal.  There was no chance of either party reneging on the deal. Nevertheless, Jonathan still sealed his promise by invoking the watchful eye of the Lord.  In essence, he was saying, “With the Lord watching over us, we are certain that our covenant will be fulfilled. May He watch over us forever.”

It is so important for all of us that the LORD keep His watchful eye on our relationships with others and on our integrity to keep commitments.  Today, we don’t normally utter the phrase, “The Lord is between you and me” when entering into a relationship, or covenant, or agreement. Nevertheless, we should always seek God’s watchful eye over our hearts such that He “catches” us when our hearts begin to veer off course or we begin to falter in our commitments.  We must always keep the LORD “between” us and those He brings into our lives.

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