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Friday, October 6, 2023

October 6 -- "What Can The Righteous Do?"

 Today’s Reading: Psalms 11 & 59

"What Can The Righteous Do?"

In Psalm 11:3, David asks a profound question, “If the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do?”  The word translated “foundations” refers to the moral and spiritual underpinnings of any society. David was facing a time in his life when all that he believed about society and justice and truth seemed to be collapsing.  He was being chased down by a bitter and vindictive king whom he had served in loyalty and faithfulness all his life.  Everything seemed to be turning upside down.  You can sense in his words a feeling of despair and hopelessness.

We, too, live at a time in history when the foundations of society and truth and justice are collapsing all around us. Governments and their leaders are corrupt.  Righteousness among nations and people seems to be at an all time low.  Evil has become good, and good has become evil. When a nation celebrates what God condemns, judgment from on high must eventually come. And we can see it coming as our nation falls deeper and deeper into darkness. So, what are we, as followers of Christ to do?

First of all, we must not give in to these feelings of despair and hopelessness. This is exactly the opposite of what God wants us to do.  Instead, we must turn our eyes upon the Lord, now more than ever and keep our hope in Him and His promises strong.

Second, like David, we must take refuge in the Lord. Verse 1, says I have taken refuge in the Lord. How can you say to me, ‘Escape to the mountain like a bird!’” These are times when we must not flee.  When David’s friends encouraged him to flee the country, he replied, “I have taken refuge in the Lord.” He reasoned that if God cannot protect him, then running away won’t keep him safe.  The only safe place is in God.

Third, we must pray and engage in spiritual warfare.  We must recognize that the root causes of our collapsing moral and spiritual foundation come from the prince of darkness, Satan himself.  We must put on the armor of God and pray fervently for his dark schemes to be defeated in the spiritual realm.

Finally, we must stand and fight.  As followers of Christ, what are we to do when the foundation is crumbling?  Shine the light of Christ!  Never back down when confronting darkness.  Proclaim God’s truth and righteousness loudly in the public square and fight every attempt to degrade the foundations any further. 

So, dear follower of Christ. When the foundations are destroyed, don’t despair. Take refuge in the Lord. Pray without ceasing. Stand and fight.  

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