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Saturday, November 18, 2023

November 18 -- "He Knows What You're Made Of"

Today’s Reading: 1 Chronicles 10 & Psalm 103 

"He Knows What You're Made Of"

Psalm 103 by David is amazing! We aren't exactly sure when he penned it, but he (knowing all about God's grace and forgiveness) probably wrote it most likely when he was older and really felt the care and mercy of God. This Psalm is straight-up fire - pure praise! Possibly the most praise-centered chapter in the whole Bible.

In this poem, David shouts out to the LORD for all the amazing blessings and perks. Right at the start, David’s heart is all about blessing the Lord - praising and honoring God for who He is and what He's done. Then, in the middle part, David lists all the insane benefits he’s scored from his connection with the Lord: forgiveness, healing, redemption, love, satisfaction, righteousness, justice - you name it! God's acts of kindness towards His people are mind-blowing and totally undeserved, yet He's coming through anyway. What else can you do but bless and praise Him!

As the Psalm winds down, David compares his Heavenly Father to a caring earthly parent. Just like a good dad looks after and has empathy for his kids in their weaknesses, God shows compassion to those who respect Him. Our Heavenly Father understands our human limitations, showing deep love and mercy for our ignorance, weaknesses, and mess-ups.

God totally gets us. He knows us inside out, even more than we know ourselves. When we beat ourselves up over mistakes, God doesn’t. He's not about being strict and demanding, but full of compassion and kindness. So, don't be so hard on yourself! Know that you're flawed, and when you mess up, turn to your Heavenly Father and grab onto His compassionate, forgiving love.

David wraps it up by calling on his own soul to bless God - to give Him the honor and praise He deserves. Straight up, "Bless the LORD, O my soul!" 

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