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Thursday, November 30, 2023

November 30 -- "Finding Delight in God's Counsel"

 Today’s Reading: Psalm 1, 2, & 15

"Finding Delight in God's Counsel"

What sorts of things bring you DELIGHT? For some, they are delighted when they get to spend quality time with a crush or a mate. For others, it is a delicious meal at their favorite restaurant. Still others find delight in the victory of their favorite sports team or their candidate for political office. Some find delight in personal achievements such as graduations, weight loss, or a promotion at work. Sadly, many find their pleasure in the ways of sin, following the ways of the world and the counsel of the wicked.

David declares here that he finds his greatest enjoyment, pleasure, and gladness in the law of the Lord. He was a man who loved God’s word and delighted whenever he could simply enjoy basking in the truth of the Holy Scriptures. In Psalm 1, he draws a contrast between the person who finds his or her counsel in God’s word and finds great joy therein versus the person who walks in the counsel of the ungodly, stands with sinners, and sits with scoffers. And what a contrast it is!

For those who forego the pleasures of God’s truth and choose instead to find their gratification in worldly pursuits, the future is bleak.  They are like “the chaff which the wind drives away.” This analogy of the wheat chaff carries the idea of being here-today-and-gone-tomorrow. They have no staying power and will one day be blown away by the judgment of God. Those who choose sin over holiness and self-gratification over Divine blessing will not stand on the day of judgment.

BUT! Those of us who find delight and pleasure and enjoyment in the word of the Lord are destined for an eternity of blessing. Unlike the chaff which is blown away, the delighters in God’s truth are strong and fruitful. They are like trees planted by the rivers of water bearing fresh fruit every month, never dropping a leaf, always in blossom. Choosing to follow Jesus and to be doers of His word is by far the greatest choice any person can make.

Do the Scriptures delight you? Do you find your greatest enjoyment, pleasure, and gladness in those moments spent with God finding counsel in His word? If so, your life will be strong and fruitful for His eternal kingdom. “For you shall go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and the hills before you shall break forth into singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands.” (Isaiah 55:12)

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