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Sunday, November 5, 2023

November 5 -- "Send Out Your Light"

 Today’s Reading: 1 Chronicles 2 & Psalm 43

"Send Out Your Light"

In this moment of distress, the Psalmist cries out for God to come alongside him and to turn his sadness into joy and his mourning into rejoicing. He prays that God would send out His light and His truth. When we are in darkness and distress, this is what we also need - God’s light and God’s truth. We simply need Him to come to us wherever we are with His light and His truth. God’s light will illuminate our way back into His holy presence regardless of our situation or location.

The Hebrew word translated “light” here is “‘ôr” and it means, illumination or luminary. This word is often used to refer to the shining presence of God’s face. Oh, what a joy it is when the light of God’s face shines upon us. In the great benediction and blessing found in Number 6, we read “The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make His face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the LORD lift up His countenance upon you and give you peace.” When God’s face shines upon us our discouragement and turmoil turns into His peace. When you are in distress, cry out for God to send His light upon you.

The word translated “truth” here is “eh'-meth” which means firmness, faithfulness, unbendable certainty. When we are in times of distress, what a blessing it is to have something firm and steadfast to fall back on – God’s truth. In John 17:17, Jesus declared that “[The Father’s] word is truth.”  God wants our lives to be built on His truth. Because our beliefs determine our perspective, they impact how we react to criticism, respond to a crisis, and navigate daily life. 

What does His word say about you and your distress? Discouragement is a sign that we are not believing God’s truth.  This is why we need to be reading God’s Word under the illumination of the Holy Spirit. Meditating on it. Listening to the Lord’s “still small voice” and receiving a word from the Word.  We must simply pray for God to reveal His truths to us. There is no place for discouragement and turmoil in our lives when God’s word resides in our heart and mind.

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