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Monday, November 6, 2023

November 6 -- "By Who's Arm?"

Today’s Reading: Psalm 44 & 45 

"By Who's Arm?"

In Psalm 44, the Sons of Korah are feeling left out by God. They remember the stories that their parents and grandparents have told them of how the LORD fought for Israel in the past, and they are feeling a bit unloved and neglected.  Have you ever felt like that? You hear of God’s miraculous works in the lives of past generations, but you just don’t see it in your own generation? Perhaps you’ve heard of great revivals where God’s Spirit swept over the land. Or maybe you’ve heard of miraculous healings that God performed in the past, and you wonder why you’re not seeing the same thing in your church or community. It is human nature to wonder if God has neglected us or forgotten us.

The Psalmists take up this matter of feeling neglected by realizing that God is big and God is powerful and His arm is more than able to save. They appreciate that neither they nor their ancestors conquered the land they now possess by their own power or strength. It was a gift from God, who gave it with great delight. It wasn’t their sword or the strength of their own arm that won the land – it was God’s strong arm and His right hand, and the “light of His face” which brought victory. As the Psalm progresses, the Psalmists acknowledge that if they are going to defeat their present-day enemies, they must rely fully on God and His great power. Their Psalm ends with a plea to the Lord to come to their aid. Get up and come to our rescue just as you have in the past.

It can be frustrating to hear of God’s amazing works in the past, but not see them in the present. There are three things we should remember in these moments: First, that God has not forgotten you nor forsaken you. He has promised to be “with you always” even to the end of the world. So, be assured that He is here. Now. He has not gone on a faraway trip and forgotten you. Second, remember that all moves of the Holy Spirit are governed by His sovereign will and He will act when the time is right. There are times of great victory and revival and healing. And, by God’s choice, there are other times of less spectacular workings of His Spirit. Don’t be impatient. He will act in due time. Finally, you must rely fully upon Him in the present moment. It is only by our trust in Him that we can experience His supernatural peace and joy in moments that seem like we’ve been left out. You have not been left out! Put your trust fully in Him. Continue to call out to Him for the “mighty rushing wind” of His Spirit in your life and community. After all, whose arm is stronger?

Pray as the Psalmists prayed, Rise up; come to our help! Redeem us for the sake of your steadfast love!” (Psalm 44:26)

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