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Sunday, December 10, 2023

December 10 -- "Justice and Equity"

Today's Reading: 2 Samuel 8
"Justice and Equity"

According to the Bible, all government authority "comes from God, and those in positions of authority have been placed there by God” (Romans 13:1). This means that it is God who has ordained the institution of government and that the role and purpose of government is mandated by Him.

The essential role and purpose of government is to exercise equity and justice amongst its citizens. Based on the truth that every human being has dignity and value, justice means to give each person that which is due with fairness to all. This justice can be expressed negatively or positively. Negatively, government is to punish evil. Positively, it is to promote good.

As David rose to power as Israel’s king, he understood his role as the “minister of God” (Romans 13:6). He recognized that, as king, he was to act as God’s agent of justice. Thus, he administered justice and equity to all his people. When he returned from defending Israel in war, he heard and tried civil and criminal cases. He did so impartially and gave sentence consistent with the laws of God. Whether high or low, strong or weak, rich or poor, black or white, David enacted God’s justice fairly to all without bias.

For any government to succeed in bringing justice and equity to its citizens, the leaders of that government must be submitted to God’s truth and His laws. There is no true justice apart from God. All human beings are infected with a corrupt nature and governments will tend to deteriorate into corruption unless God and His truth are revered and submitted to by the leaders. When ungodly leaders are in power, justice deteriorates. Immoral laws are passed. Corrupt behavior takes over. Man’s greed and lust for power begins to rule and justice deteriorates.

We cannot understand true justice apart from God. We cannot enforce justice and equity without faith in Him. David understood his role as God’s servant. He realized that the Lord must guide the affairs of nations for those nations to prosper and be an influence for good in our corrupt world.

Pray for godly leaders to rule at all levels of our government. Pray that we, as a nation, would be ruled by men and women like David who will administer justice and equity to all the people. When those in office won’t do it, then it is time for you to step out in faith and become the ruler you long to see.

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