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Wednesday, December 13, 2023

December 13 -- "Who to Call in Your Day of Trouble"

Today’s Reading: Psalm 50 & 51

"Who to Call in Your Day of Trouble"

In today’s key verse, we are exhorted by God, Himself, to call upon Him when we are experiencing troubles in our lives.

“Call upon me in the day of trouble.” The first part of today’s verse is a command from God to call on Him when we are in trouble. We certainly shouldn’t pray only when trouble comes, but according to this command, we should definitely pray when we are in times of trouble or affliction. God commands it. Don’t rely on your own ingenuity or your own determination to deliver yourself. Call upon Him and watch Him work! Are you having trouble or trials today? Call upon Him!

“I will deliver you.” The second part is an amazing promise God makes to us. If we call on Him, He will deliver us. He gives no limits as to how often we can pray. He only gives us His promise to answer. He doesn’t specify how He will deliver us (and it may not always be in the way we wish for). Sometimes He delivers us “out of” our trouble, and sometimes He delivers us “in the midst of” trouble. But, whatever His method, His promise is always, “I will deliver you.”

“And you shall glorify Me.” The third part of this verse indicates the real reason for prayer in the grand overarching plan of heaven. Prayer is not so much the mechanism we use to get rescued, as it is a means of displaying God and His glory to the watching world. When God provides, we may be tempted to forget Him and think we have taken care of our problem ourselves. But when we pray and He answers, we must recognize His hand of provision and are careful to honor (glorify) Him. We rob God of honor and fail to glorify Him when we don’t recognize that He was the one who rescued and provided for us.

Do you want your life to glorify God? To bring Him fame and honor? To influence a lost world with His light? Then pray dear Christian. Tell Him your troubles. Tell Him your afflictions. Call upon Him and He will deliver you. And when He does, a watching world will hear of His glory and power and grace and forgiveness!

“I love the Lord, because He hears my voice and my supplications.” (Psalm 116:1) The Lord wants to hear from us. He invites us to pray to Him without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:17). He promises to hear us when we pray – “And this is the confidence that we have toward him, that if we ask anything according to his will he hears us.” (1 John 5:14) “As for me, I call to God … and he hears my voice” (Psalm 55:16-17). 


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