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Wednesday, December 27, 2023

December 27 -- "Casting Your Burden on Him"

Today’s Reading: Psalms 28 & 55 

"Casting Your Burden on Him"

The Hebrew word translated “cast” in verse 22 means to throw, cast, hurl, or fling. The Jews used this word in association with throwing something away. The definition of “burden” is a heavy load to carry, a difficulty, trouble, heavy trial.  Here in Psalm 55, we are exhorted to hurl our burdens onto Him - to thrust them forcefully upon the Lord.

Does your life seem overwhelming and stressful lately? Do you feel weighed down by worries and frustrations to the point of exhaustion? Are your shoulders sagging under the weight of your heavy load? Then it is time to hurl those heavy weights off your shoulders and onto the shoulders of your Great Burden Bearer.  But how do you do that? How can we, as Christ followers, cast our burden on the Lord? The simple formula is Come, Take, Let Go.

First, you must COME to Jesus.  When you’re overwhelmed by burdens, Jesus invites you to come to Him. This may sound like a simple task, but I’ve found that bringing my burdens to Him is often not my first instinct. I wrongly think it is my responsibility to carry the weight. But Jesus said, “Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28) So, the first step to casting your burden on Him is simply to COME to Him. Don’t run the other way. And don’t think you are alone. He is here and He is waiting.

Second, TAKE His yoke. A yoke was a wooden device that was placed around the neck of oxen or cattle and connected to the plow or cart they pulled. Most yokes in Bible times were “dual-passenger.” This means that two animals would share the yoke and carry the load together. Jesus said, “Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.” (Matthew 11:29) For a weary and tired animal under the stress of a heavy burden, sharing a yoke made the burden lighter and more easily carried. Jesus wants you to slip your head into His yoke. Together, the heavy weight will fall off your shoulders and He will carry the burden. TAKE His yoke and feel the strength of Him pulling the load.

Third, and most important, you must LET GO of your burden. So often we reach back ready to hurl our burdens upon Jesus. Our throwing arm goes forward, but we keep a grip on the item that is weighing us down. Don’t hold on!  Jesus calls us to cast  – hurl, throw, fling – our burdens on Him. Take your heavy load to Jesus, and lay it down. Then, DON’T pick it up again. Let go and let Him bear the burden. Place your burden in your hands and then chuck it upward toward Heaven with your hands wide open. LET GO and let God carry the load.

In the words of the old Maranatha song by Chuck Girard, Lay your burden down, lay your burden down. Take your troubled soul, your tired mind and lay your burden down. Lay your burden down, get your feet on solid ground. Take your worries to the foot of the cross and lay your burden down.” He will do the rest, and He will give you rest.

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