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Thursday, December 28, 2023

December 28 -- "A Walking Bible"

Today’s Reading: 2 Samuel 16 

"A Walking Bible"

When Ahithophel spoke, people listened! In 2 Samuel 16, we see Ahithophel giving counsel to David’s son Absalom. The advice he gave was considered “as if one consulted the word of God.” Although his name, “Ahithophel” means “my brother of folly; foolish,” his counsel was considered wise. When he gave advice, others considered his words to be as if God Himself was the one who was speaking. Whether the people’s perceptions were accurate or not, his reputation is one we should all seek.

When we speak - when we give advice to others – our goal should be that the words we speak are words of God’s wisdom and not our own earthly advice. What a wonderful reputation to have - as one whose words are as if “one consulted the word of God.”  Is that what others think of your words?

It is a mistake to rely on worldly wisdom as Paul suggests in 1 Corinthians 3:19, “For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God.” It may seem “wise” by worldly standards, but if your counsel is not firmly rooted in the word of God, it is sheer folly.

The amazing thing is that God promises to enable all of His children to speak His word with power and authority. As we absorb His word on a daily basis and the Holy Spirit imparts to us God’s wisdom, it has the effect of shaping our thoughts and words. When we then speak under the influence of the Holy Spirit, our words will be “as if one consulted the word of God.”  People should come to know you as someone who knows and speaks the word of God – a “walking Bible” so to speak.

God has chosen to use human messengers to deliver His divine truth. Whether you realize it or not, those around you who know you are a Christian will take the words you speak and the advice you give as though they were God’s advice. As William Toms rightly said, “Be careful how you live. You may be the only Bible some person ever reads.  This is a solemn responsibility!  May your life be so saturated in the word of God that His wisdom and His counsel oozes out of your life. May you be one whose counsel is as if one consulted the word of God. May God transform you into a “walking Bible.”

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