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Saturday, January 13, 2024

January 13 -- "Jerusalem Forever"

 Today’s Reading: 1 Chronicles 23 & Psalm 110

"Jerusalem Forever"

As David goes about arranging his affairs, he declares that “the Lord God of Israel dwells in Jerusalem forever” (V25). David knew that of all the places on the Earth, the Lord had chosen the city of Jerusalem as His dwelling place.

The Bible makes nearly 800 references to Jerusalem (also called ‘Zion’) as God’s chosen city. The prophet Daniel declared that Jerusalem was the city that is called by God’s name (Daniel 9:19). Jesus referred to Jerusalem as “the city of the Great King” (Matthew 5:35). God, of course, is omnipresent. He is not confined to one city or any geographic location. But, God chose Jerusalem as the place from which His name and majesty and glory would be declared to all the Earth. 

But, why did God choose Jerusalem over all the cities of the world to put His name and call His home? From his human standpoint, King David had some practical reasons for choosing Jerusalem as the capital city of Israel. For instance, its natural defense system, its fresh water supply, and its central location. But these aren’t the reasons God chose the city. God chose Jerusalem for divine reasons.

In reality, the Lord has not revealed His reasons for choosing Jerusalem as His dwelling place. (Nor has He revealed His reasons for choosing Israel as the Promised Land or the Jews as His chosen people.) The Lord is sovereign and makes His choices for divine reasons which are often unknown to us. One day, perhaps, we will understand His choices. But for now, we accept God’s truth and His sovereign choice: Jerusalem is His city – He dwells there forever!

Over the centuries, many have attempted to expel the Jews and God from Jerusalem. Many have sought to “kick God out” of His city. In fact, the city is currently occupied by both Jews and Gentiles and the Holy Temple in the heart of the city is merely a remnant. But we know with great certainty that the Lord is there and we look longingly for that day when “the Lord my God will come, and all the holy ones with him.” “On that day his feet shall stand on the Mount of Olives that lies before Jerusalem on the east!” (Zechariah 14:4-5). Jerusalem is the Lord’s city. Forever. Even so, come quickly Lord Jesus!

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