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Monday, January 15, 2024

January 15 -- "He Regards the Lowly"

Today’s Reading: 1 Chronicles 25 & Psalm 138 

"He Regards the Lowly"

Although we were created in God’s image, sin has marred God’s creation. As a result, it seems to be built into our nature to categorize and classify members of the human race. We see some as “upper” class and some as “middle” or “lower class.” And those who perceive themselves as being in the upper class have a tendency to disregard, or even disrespect, those who they see as “lowly” (common, ordinary, unfortunate).  Some even see it as a great offense if someone attempts to break into their circle or personally approach them.

But our God is not like us! Our Lord God is high royalty – He is the only true “upper class.” He is the King. He is the Lord. As the Creator of the universe, He truly is far above all space, matter, energy, and life. He is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. He possesses vast and endless wealth and power. “For you, O Lord, are supreme over all the earth; you are exalted far above all gods.” (Psalm 97:9)  As such, He has no obligation to respect or regard those who are below Him.

But here’s the amazing thing… He is not offended by any of us attempting to gain an audience with Him or personally approach Him. He welcomes all. He invites us into His “inner circle.” In fact, the Bible goes out of its way to teach us that God doesn’t see social classes the way human societies do. To Him, there is neither rich nor poor, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female. All are alike to Him. And all are loved deeply by Him. In fact, He loves us so much that He humbled Himself and became a “commoner” just so He could rescue us from sin - “Though He was in the form of God… He emptied Himself, taking the form of a servant, and was born in the likeness of man.” (Philippians 2:5-8) Today’s key verse (Psalm138:6) says that this God – the LORD - “regards” (respects) the lowly. He gracefully welcomes the common, ordinary and unfortunate people into His presence.

And yet, so many people seem to be “afar off” from Him. If God is so welcoming, what then is the barrier that keeps so many people away?  There is only one barrier that keeps people from accessing Him. And it is not Him. Human pride is the barrier. This verse goes on to say that “the haughty He knows from afar.” The “invisible barrier” that keeps us away from our King has not been put there by Him, it has been put there by our pride and arrogance. He broke every barrier to come to us. He only asks in return that we approach Him humbly and accept His grace and love.  Those who remain haughty will keep themselves out of His “inner circle.” 

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