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Thursday, January 18, 2024

January 18 -- "The Satisfier of Every Need"

 Today’s Reading: 1 Chronicles 26 & Psalm 145

"The Satisfier of Every Need"

As God was creating the world, He had to take into account the dietary and nutritional requirements of each living thing. He had to make sure that there were the proper kinds of foods for the various classes of animals, plants, and other living organisms. Imagine the failure it would be for you to purchase, say, a horse but not purchase the necessary hay and feed it would need to remain healthy and strong. Now, imagine the colossal failure it would have been For God to have created a particular type of animal and placed it in our world, but didn’t create the necessary food to sustain that animal. Fortunately, as our genius and unfathomably wise Creator made all of the living organisms, He placed them in an environment that would “satisfy the desire of every living thing.” 

From the smallest organism to the largest plants and animals, our God made sure to create a world where there were adequate supplies for all. He created phytoplankton, bacteria and other protozoa for the microscopic organisms to feed on. At the same time, He made sure there was an adequate supply of plants, fruits, and vegetables for the herbivores to eat and a variety of smaller animals for the larger carnivores to be satisfied. What a hand this is that holds in it all the food that meets the desires and necessities of His universe of creatures! 

Implied in this verse is the truth that God has not left nature, He is in it. The great Spirit of God is embedded in all the wheels of His machinery. There is a Personal God in personal action, in all of the natural world. He is not a God who is far off, or who is disinterested in the daily affairs of our world. No, in fact, He is constantly opening His hand and satisfying the necessities of “every living thing.” As Jesus said, “not a single sparrow falls to the ground without your Father's knowledge” (Matthew 10:29). Wherever there is a creature that God has made to need anything, that creature shall have what its necessities determine.

This verse goes on the say that the Lord who meets the needs of His creation, does so with righteousness and kindness. Some may view our God as an angry ogre “in the sky” just waiting to inflict pain and punishment on those He chooses. But our God is far from that. In the kindness and gentleness of His heart, He is just waiting to supply righteousness, peace, and joy on those who call upon Him. The deepest desire of this “living thing” we call a human being is the deep need to be connected to and in fellowship with his/her Creator. His hand is open. He is waiting to satisfy that desire in your life. Come to Him and discover the greatest kindness you can imagine. He opens His hand and satisfies the desire of every living thing.

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