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Friday, January 5, 2024

January 5 -- "Be Generous. Be Happy."

 Today’s Reading: Psalms 38 & 41

"Be Generous. Be Happy."

When my six year-old grandson was asked what he would do if he had ten thousand dollars, he replied, “I would buy two tents for the homeless and get them warm jackets and lots of food.” Boy, was I convicted! When considering my own answer to the same question, I was entirely selfish, focusing on my own needs.

Here in Psalm 41:1, the Lord tells us that the one who considers the poor in their day of trouble will be blessed. The word “blessed” means “oh how happy.” This verse expresses the wonderful and happy experience of helping the poor in their time of need. If you’ve had this experience, oh how happy you must be! If you’ve not had this experience, I would encourage you to find a way to make a difference in another person’s life.

The word “consider” in this verse means to look upon, give attention to, to have insight. It expresses the opposite response many people have when they see the poor in their situation. Our fallen human nature defaults to “looking away” from them. Our selfish tendency is to turn away. What are we afraid of when we try to avoid looking a homeless person in the eyes? For some, catching their eye makes them feel obligated to do something their fleshly nature doesn’t want to do – give. One website I looked at actually said, “Stop looking at homeless people, the ‘bums’ don’t deserve your help.”  This approach is quite the opposite of what our God considers kindness and love toward others.

I’m not saying you should give to every poor person you see. You must use some divine discernment to give only to those truly in need and avoid those seeking money for drugs or alcohol or other inappropriate use. But I am saying you should go before the Lord and ask Him to search your heart on this matter. Ask the Holy Spirit to convict you of any form of selfishness in your heart towards the poor and needy. Pray for a generous and open hand towards others.

If you do, it is YOU who will be blessed – perhaps even more so than the recipient of your kindness. Our LORD looks upon us when we look upon the poor and He makes us “oh how happy” when we yield to His leading to give to those in need. In Proverbs 19:17, it says, “Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will repay him for his deed.” When you give to the poor, don’t look for a return from them, but just look to the Lord to return it to you. Because really you are lending to the Lord, and He actually pays fantastic interest! You cannot outgive God! The blessings you receive will far outweigh the investment you make!

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