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Saturday, January 6, 2024

January 6 -- "His Way is Perfect"

  Today’s Reading: 2 Samuel 22

"His Way is Perfect"

Unlike Mary Poppins who was “practically” perfect in every way, your God is "entirely" and completely flawless and perfect in His ways and in His love for you.

In chapter 22, we have the words of David singing a song of deliverance to celebrate being rescued out of the hands of his enemies by the LORD. A variation of this song is also recorded for us in Psalm 18.

David began this song by praising God who constantly answered his prayers and saved him from death. He is awestruck by God’s almighty power over earthquakes, wind, rain, lightning, thunder and darkness. And he is most-humbled by the fact that God used these powers on David’s behalf. In verse 31, David sings about trusting God. Because God is perfect and His word is true, David could always depend upon Him.

As David looks back in celebration, he also looks forward with joy and confidence. He assures himself of the kindness God has in store for him and for all those whose hearts are right with Him.

This God – His way is perfect! This means that God makes no mistakes. If a person’s heart is right with God, and if he/she is trusting God’s loving guidance, there is absolutely zero chance of Him making a mistake with any aspect of their life.  God's way is perfectly wise and good and holy, perfectly adapted to fulfil the purposes of His love towards His children. Ultimately, His way leads to an end that is perfectly good – eternity in His presence! Never doubt your loving God’s perfect ways. 

His word proves true! Put it to the test. Scrutinize it. Analyze it. You will find that His word is impeccable and totally true. It can be fully relied upon and trusted. So, when His word says to you that, “He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ” (Philippians 1:6), you can rest assured that His word will come true in every way. “And those he predestined, he also called; those he called, he also justified; those he justified, he also glorified” (Romans 8:29-30).

The logical conclusion of these truths about our perfect God and His true word is that we can – and should – take refuge in Him. He is perfect – He is true – and He is safe. He is a shield to those who take refuge in Him!

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