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Tuesday, January 9, 2024

January 9 -- "Tremble and Quake"

 Today’s Reading: 2 Samuel 24 & Psalms 98, 99

"Tremble and Quake"

Psalms 98 and 100 are both joyful and glad songs expressing thanksgiving to Yahweh for His love and faithfulness. In stark contrast to these two songs (and sandwiched right between them) is Psalm 99 which emphasizes Yahweh’s holiness and demands that we tremble in His holy presence.

Psalm 99 begins with, “The Lord reigns; let the peoples tremble!” The Hebrew word for tremble used here is a verb which means to be agitated, quiver, quake, disturbed. In our present day lingo, we might say "shaking in his boots" to reflect the literal quivering and trembling presented here. Because our God is holy and omnipotent, it would be a grave mistake for people to take Him lightly or casually. The very presence of God should cause a great disturbance in peoples’ spirits as they come to understand how unholy and unworthy they are to even stand before Him. 

The Psalm falls into three parts, each one concluding with a declaration of God’s holiness. Verses 1-3 emphasize Yahweh’s future position when He returns to earth – He reigns over all the earth. He sits on his throne between the cherubim. The Lord sits in majesty in Jerusalem, exalted above all the nations. Because of His position, the people must praise His great and awesome name. His name is holy! He is the King of kings and Lord of lords!

Verses 4-6 emphasize Yahweh’s justice and fairness. He has acted with justice and righteousness throughout Israel. He makes no mistakes in His judgments, but acts with uncontaminated integrity. Because of this untainted righteousness and justice, the people must exalt the Lord our God! Bow low before his feet, for he is holy!

Verses 7-9 emphasize Yahweh’s punishment for sin and His forgiveness available to all who come to Him. To those who go wrong and reject His lovingkindness, God’s punishment awaits. Alternatively, He is an infinitely forgiving God to those who choose to follow Him. Because of this, people must not take Him lightly or casually, but must come before Him in deep awe of His greatness and holiness. Tremble in His presence. Shake in your boots at the very thought of how unholy you are compared to His flawless holiness and purity.

Exalt the Lord our God, and worship at his holy mountain; for the Lord our God is holy!

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