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Thursday, February 1, 2024

February 1 -- "What Will You Ask For?"

 Today’s Reading: 1 Kings 3

"What Will You Ask For?"

How would you feel if you were offered an opportunity to win a million dollars as a contestant on a TV game show? Or, what if a wealthy loved one offered to get you anything your heart desired as a gift? What would you ask for? How would you react?

Solomon, the new king of Israel, was placed in this exact situation. The Lord God came to him in a dream and said, “Ask whatever you will.” Wow! A blank check! Solomon had an unprecedented opportunity to really rake in blessings for himself. He could’ve selfishly asked for great riches. Or victory over his enemies. Or the intimate love of a great woman. Or health and wellness in his body.

If God should say that to you, what would you ask for? This can be very revealing. It can reveal an awful lot about your heart. Be truly honest here, if God should say, "Ask Me anything you want," what would be your request? Your answer to that question will reveal whether or not you are living on the flesh side or the spiritual side of your nature. If your desire would be for great riches, if your desire would be for fame or honor or glory, it means that somehow you're still suffering under the illusion that you can one day maybe find satisfaction in your flesh and in the things of the flesh.

But if your answer is, "Oh God, that I just might walk with You, in close fellowship. Lord, that I might be the person You want me to be." If your answer is in spiritual things, then that indicates also the fact that your heart is really after God and the things of God. It shows you are desiring spiritual benefit not selfish gain.

Solomon didn’t ask for any of these worldly things. Instead, Solomon took to his knees in the realization of just how small and incapable he was to rule God’s people and he humbly asked for an understanding mind and the discernment he needed to rule as Israel’s new king. Solomon admitted his shortcomings.

Solomon’s request was so heartfelt and it pleased the Lord. God honored Solomon’s humility and sincerity and granted him way more than he asked.  That’s the God we serve. You can’t outgive Him. And, oh, by the way – you don’t have to speculate what you would do in Solomon’s situation, because you are in that same situation. Jesus says to you, “If you ask for anything in my name, I will do it.” (John 14:14) What will you ask for?

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