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Saturday, February 10, 2024

February 10 -- "Being God's Hands"

 Today’s Reading: Proverbs 3

"Being God's Hands"

How generous are you with your time, your talent, and your treasure? Is it your pattern to keep as much of it as you can for yourself? To hold onto your resources with a tight fist? If so, then God has a message for you… the resources in your possession are not actually yours. Everything you have – everything you own – belong to the Lord. God has given you of His resources so He, through you, can meet the needs of others around you. God has called you to be His hands reaching out to a needy world. It is not your place to withhold His resources when it is “in your power to do it.” 

Do you have time? Are you using that time wisely in service to others? Or is your busy schedule so filled up with personal pursuits and activities that you can’t spare a moment to help another person? God has given you time so you can be His hand reaching out to someone in need. The simple act of sharing your time with another person is one of the most God-honoring things you can do. You can be His hand reaching out to someone in need.

Do you have talent? Or skill? Or know-how? Are you using your skills wisely in service to others? Perhaps someone nearby needs your skillset for some particular situation – are you sharing your know-how with them? Or, are you consuming all of your talents and skills on yourself and your personal success? God has given you certain talents and abilities not so you can keep them to yourself, but so you can be His hand reaching out to someone in need.

Do you have financial resources? Is it your practice to generously share your treasures with others in need? Or, have you adopted the mindset of the world around you by getting, and getting, and getting some more? Remember, God has placed His resources into your hand so you can manage them for His glory. You don’t have to give more than you have the power to give. Verse 7 urges you not to withhold good from those to whom it is due, when it is in your power to do it. God has given you financial resources so you can be His hand reaching out to someone in need.

Remember, there are people all around you praying for God’s help to meet their need… don’t miss the opportunity to be the answer to those prayers! Never walk away from someone who deserves your help; your hand just might be God’s hand for that person.

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