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Tuesday, February 13, 2024

February 13 -- "Conditional Blessings"

 Today’s Reading: 1 Kings 6

"Conditional Blessings"

Is there an area of your life where God’s promise to you seems just out of reach? Could it be that there is a condition that you’ve not met? King David had longed to build a house for God as a place where God would dwell and where He would be worshipped. But God told David, “No.” David was not permitted by God to build this “house,” but the Lord promised that David’s son, Solomon, would carry out the construction project per David’s plans.

This “house” or “temple” was to be a magnificent building, the grandest in all of Israel. The simplest way to describe this temple is as a rectangular stone building with a porch added to the front, and three stories of storerooms added to the sides and rear. Inside, the Temple would be laid out much like the Tabernacle (“Tent of Meeting”) had been, comprised of two main chambers – the Holy Place & the Most Holy Place – with a stone porch at the entrance. At the entrance to the porch there were to be two bronze pillars. Inside, Solomon was to place the priestly articles of worship – lampstands, table of shewbread, incense altar, and the Ark of the Covenant in the Most Holy Place. It was going to be a spectacular building – as long as Solomon met the conditions of God’s blessing upon it.

Here in verse 12, the Lord says, “Now, about that house, Solomon, if you want Me to keep My word and bless this building project, then you must submit to certain conditions.” God’s promise to bless the construction of the Temple was a conditional promise based on Solomon’s obedience to God’s laws. IF you will walk in my ways, THEN I will establish my word, as I spoke to your father, David. The promises made to David are now confirmed to Solomon, but on the express condition of obedience.

Many times in Scripture, the Lord gives us promises which are conditional. For example, if we want the Lord to give us “the desires of our heart,” we must meet the condition of “delighting ourselves in Him.” (Psalm 37:4) Another example is that the Lord “will direct our path,” if we meet the condition of “Trusting in Him with all our heart and leaning not on our own understanding.” (Proverbs 3:5-6) Again, Isaiah 26:3 says, “You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You.” Do you need God’s peace in your life? Then you must meet the condition of “staying your mind” on Him.

Is there an area of your life where God’s promise to you seems just out of reach? Could it be that there is a condition that you’ve not met? Pray that the Holy Spirit reveal these areas to you. God’s promises are sure! But His conditions must be met. 

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