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Monday, February 5, 2024

February 5 -- "No Flaw"

Today’s Reading: Song Of Solomon 3-4 

"No Flaw"

If someone were to call you “flawless,” how would you react? For many of us, our reaction would be something like, “Oh yeah, right - you certainly don’t know me if you think I’m flawless.” So often, the way we view ourselves is dramatically different from God’s view of us. We are so prone to seeing our failures, weaknesses, sins, and flaws. But that’s NOT what God sees!  Did you know that your Heavenly Father says, “there is no flaw in you”?

Listen to these words from Song of Solomon 4:7: “You are altogether beautiful, my love; there is no flaw in you.” That is Jesus’s voice speaking to you! There is nothing but admiration in God’s heart toward you. He looks at you with “googly eyes” as Someone who is entirely smitten, in love with you.

The word for “flaw” here is used only 22 times in the Old Testament (also translated “spot” “blot” or “blemish”). It is used to describe the perfect sacrificial animals which were required. Leviticus 22:19-20 says, “You must offer an unblemished male from the cattle, sheep, or goats in order for it to be accepted on your behalf. You shall not offer anything that has a blemish, for it will not be acceptable for you.” The Jews were commanded not to sacrifice an animal with a blemish because the sacrifices represented the ultimate sacrifice of Christ, which had to be perfect and pure. As Jesus was without blemish, so too, the Old Testament sacrifices had to be without blemish.

The amazing thing here is that God describes you as flawless, without blemish, blot or defect of any kind, just as Jesus was flawless and without spot or wrinkle. That is the power of the blood of Christ. As we place our trust in Christ, God no longer sees our sinfulness or weaknesses or failures. He sees one thing – the flawlessness of His Son and His blood sacrifice on our behalf.

That’s how He can call you “altogether beautiful” and without “flaw.” Because He sees you in Christ. So, stop viewing yourself through your tainted human eyes, and start seeing yourself the way He sees you – perfect and flawless in every way. When you begin to see yourself this way, you will be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Your relationship with Jesus will deepen to a depth you never thought possible.

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