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Friday, February 9, 2024

February 9 -- "The Voice of Truth"

 Today’s Reading: Proverbs 2

"The Voice of Truth"

There is more information available today than at any other time in human history. There are literally millions of libraries with billions of books, magazines, newspapers, reports, articles, and commentaries at our fingertips. And, with the advent of the Internet, this information is now available to billions of people around the world with the click of a mouse. Tragically, however, this overabundance of information has not resulted in a reduction of human stupidity. We live in world where people are woefully lacking in sound knowledge and wisdom.

Why do so many people lack true knowledge and wisdom? Because they are listening to the wrong voices. And, believe me, the voices among us are rampant. Those who are peddling their ideology speak loudly. They are hard to miss. Politicians promote their social agenda. Scientists endorse faulty science (falsely so-called.) Popular preachers promote their “flavor” of Christianity which, in reality, does not resemble true faith in Christ. Advice columnists and radio talk show hosts dole out their misguided philosophies. And so many people listen to and, tragically, take their advice – even when it is far from truth. People everywhere are listening to the wrong voice and obtaining faulty or incomplete information. This is why it is so important to qualify your source when listening to someone’s voice.

Whose voice are you listening to? If you are listening to the voices of these scientists, politicians, preachers, advice columnists, self-improvement books, astrological prognosticators, etc. then you are bound to be confused and lacking in true wisdom. This is why it is so important to listen to the ONE TRUE VOICE - the voice of the Yahweh our God. For the LORD gives wisdom; from His mouth come knowledge and understanding.

The LORD doesn’t really have a “mouth” as we know it. When He speaks, it is not usually in the form of audible words. When the LORD speaks, He generally does so in three ways. First, and foremost, through the verses of Scripture. People have said, “If God wants to speak to me, let Him do it by writing in the sky.” They want to “see it to believe it.” The reality is, everyone of us can see the words He has spoken simply by looking in our Bible. God’s word can cut through the confusion and chaos of today’s “voices.”

Second, God speaks to our hearts thorough the “still, small voice” of the Holy Spirit communicating intimately to our innermost being. Finally, the LORD can speak through the wise counsel of the other mature Christians in our lives. If you are “schooled” in the voice of God, you will easily recognize the voices of error that come your way. For the LORD gives wisdom. You can trust His voice as the voice of truth.

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