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Thursday, March 28, 2024

March 28 -- "His Word Proves True"

Today’s Reading: Proverbs 30 

"His Word Proves True"

Does science disprove the Bible? Does history disprove the Bible? Does archaeology disprove the Bible? Do dinosaurs disprove the Bible? Do seemingly implausible accounts of miracles disprove the Bible? Many have tried to disprove the Bible and every time they’ve tried, they have failed miserably. As we read here in Proverbs 30, “Every word of God proves true!”

Above all other books in the world combined, the Bible has been hated, vilified, ridiculed, criticized, restricted, banned, and destroyed, but it has never been disproven. Many have endeavored to disprove its facts, figures, stories, and other content, but have failed to do so. In fact, over the course of history, hundreds of “scholars” have not only failed to disprove the Bible, but have turned their lives over to the God of the Bible as a result of their research and study. As they uncovered the message of the Bible and became convinced of its reliability, they became followers of Jesus Christ.

One of the more famous Bible skeptics in recent years was Josh McDowell who set out “to write a book that would make an intellectual joke of Christianity.” His goal was to prove Christianity a “sham.” But, as he delved into his research, he began to hear the “still, small voice” of God speaking to his heart and convicting him of the “intellectual dishonesty” he was practicing. This conviction created an enormous internal conflict in his mind, will, and emotions. As a result, one night at his home in Michigan, “at the end of my second year at the university, I became a Christian.” His conclusion was, “After trying to shatter the historicity and validity of the Scripture, I came to the conclusion that it is historically trustworthy.”  Josh went on in 1979 to publish his findings in the book, “Evidence That Demands A Verdict” (Thomas Nelson Publishing, 1979)

Josh McDowell’s conclusion (along with the conclusions of thousands of other former skeptics) was, EVERY WORD OF GOD IS TRUE! All of the revelation of God is free from error, and you can rely on it fully. Though not a science book, every science matter on which is speaks is completely accurate and reliable. Although not a history book, every historical account it presents is completely accurate and reliable. Every word of God proves true. He is a shield to all who come to Him for protection. Do not add to His words, nor take away from His words, or He may rebuke you and expose you as a liar.

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