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Monday, March 4, 2024

March 4 -- "Wine is a Mocker"

 Today’s Reading: Proverbs 20

"Wine is a Mocker"

Can we be completely honest here? As you know, the drinking of wine, beer, and other alcoholic beverages is an accepted practice in our culture. In fact, you could say it is not only acceptable, but is expected and encouraged by nearly everyone. It is simply our “way of life.” But, is it consistent with God’s “way of life?”

The reality is – and here comes the honesty – the Bible consistently and strongly advises against the consumption of wine and strong drink. It is true that the Bible sometimes refers to wine in positive ways when describing something satisfying (“Your mouth is like the best wine.” -  Song of Songs 7:9), or celebratory (“Go, eat your bread with joy, and drink your wine with a merry heart” - Ecclesiastes 9:7), but it also strongly warns of the dangers of drinking.

Here in Proverbs 20, we read that “wine is a mocker” and that “strong drink (or beer) is a brawler” and that “whoever is led astray by them is not wise.” A mocker is somebody who is hostile to a life of righteousness and ridicules all who disagree with him. This statement is a warning against the harmful ways a person is affected by consuming too much wine.  Consuming too much wine (or any alcoholic beverage) negatively affects one’s thinking and behavior, which could lead to actions, words, or attitudes unpleasing to the Lord. Those who consume too much wine give themselves over to its influence and allow it to control them. In a sense, then, the wine “mocks” their lack of self-control.

The book of Proverbs provides instructions for living a wise and virtuous life—by avoiding actions that end up harming oneself and others. In Proverbs 20:1 specifically, wine and beer are described as enemies of wisdom. Whoever is led astray by alcohol is not wise.

While small quantities of wine and other alcoholic beverages can be safely consumed without leading to sin, we should pay close attention to the Bible’s strong warnings against excessive consumption. Alcohol has a way of leading us away from the righteous and virtuous life God calls us to live.

Bottom line: The Bible does not strictly forbid drinking, but it does strongly discourage it and forbids drinking in excess, leading to drunkenness. If a Christian chooses to consume alcohol, they must do so with moderation, restraint, and self-control. If you cannot drink without such restraint, then you must avoid alcohol altogether. Whoever is led astray by alcohol is not wise. Check your heart on this matter. Have you adopted your culture’s values when it comes to drinking? Or, have you internalized God’s values and chosen to live above society’s “norm”?  

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