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Saturday, April 13, 2024

April 13 -- "Going Against the Flow"

Today's Reading: 1 Kings 22  

"Going Against the Flow"

As believers, we often find ourselves in situations where speaking the truth isn't the popular or easy choice. We're tempted to go along with the crowd, saying what people want to hear to avoid conflict or gain favor. But Micaiah's example in 1 Kings 22 teaches us the value of prophetic wisdom—the courage to speak God's truth, even when it's inconvenient or uncomfortable.

In this passage from 1 Kings, we find ourselves in the middle of a high-stakes situation. King Ahab of Israel, seeking to reclaim the city of Ramoth-Gilead, consults his prophets to determine the outcome of the battle. But there's a catch! The prophets are all singing the same tune, telling the king what he wants to hear, rather than speaking the truth. Enter Micaiah, a prophet who doesn't play by those rules. He declares that he will only speak what the Lord tells him, no matter the consequences.

Let us embrace Micaiah's spirit. Let us be people of integrity, unafraid to speak the truth in love, even when it goes against the prevailing opinion. When faced with decisions, seek the Lord's guidance and stand firm on His Word. Remember, our ultimate loyalty is to the One who called us, not the whims of popular opinion or cultural trends.

So, be like Micaiah—bold, unapologetic, and committed to speaking God's truth. Even if it means going against the flow, let's trust in His wisdom and rely on His guidance. Don't be afraid to be a voice in the wilderness, because that's where the truth often resides!

Now, I'm not saying you should go around wearing a prophet's robe and growing a long beard to look the part (unless that's your thing, no judgment!). But remember, being a prophet isn't about appearances—it's about faithfully representing the Lord. 

In conclusion, let us be people who, like Micaiah, have the audacity to stand up and say, "As the Lord lives, what the Lord says to me, that I will speak." May we never shy away from standing up and sharing God's truth, even if it means standing alone. Keep your hearts open to His leading, and let His wisdom guide your words. 

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