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Monday, April 15, 2024

April 15 -- "Believe God and His Prophets"

  Today's Reading: 2 Chronicles 20

"Believe God and His Prophets"

In the hustle and bustle of life, we often find ourselves facing daunting challenges and uncertain circumstances. We may feel overwhelmed, wondering how we'll ever overcome the obstacles before us. But in these moments, we can find solace in the timeless wisdom of Jehoshaphat's words. He stood before the people, encouraging them to place their trust in the Lord their God and His prophets.

Now, when it comes to trusting God, I can't help but chuckle at the absurdity of us humans thinking we have it all figured out. It's like watching a hamster on a wheel, trying to be the master of its own destiny. We scurry about, trying to control every aspect of our lives, when all we really need to do is trust in the One who holds the universe together. It's a bit like trying to navigate the high seas with a paper boat. So, let's take a moment to laugh at our own folly and surrender our paper boats to the almighty Captain who knows the way.

Trusting in the Lord doesn't mean blindly ignoring the circumstances around us. It means acknowledging the difficulties but choosing to place our confidence in God's character and promises. It's like trusting a GPS system on a road trip; we may not understand every turn or roadblock, but we trust that it will guide us to our destination.

“Believing in the prophets” involves recognizing that their words are not mere human opinions or ideas, but are divinely inspired messages from God Himself. It means accepting and heeding the prophetic words as reliable and true, understanding that they carry the authority and wisdom of the Lord.

In a practical sense, believing in the prophets means following the instructions and guidance given through them. It means embracing the warnings, promises, and teachings they conveyed, aligning one's life with God's revealed truth. As Christ-followers, it is imperative that we take Jehoshaphat’s advice and believe in the Lord our God so we will be able to stand firm and believe in the divine origin of His prophets’ words so we will succeed.

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