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Thursday, April 18, 2024

April 18 -- "Deceived by Pride"

 Today's Reading: Obadiah 1

"Deceived by Pride"

Pride is an inflated sense of one's own importance, abilities, achievements, or qualities. Pride has a sneaky way of deceiving us. It creeps into our hearts and distorts our perception of reality. It whispers lies into our ears, making us believe that we are better, smarter, or more important than others. It puffs us up like a balloon, filling us with an inflated sense of self-worth. It was true for the Edomites in Obadiah's day, and it is true for us.

Obadiah is the shortest book in the Hebrew Scriptures, consisting of only one chapter. This book is attributed to the prophet Obadiah, whose name means "servant of Yahweh" or "worshipper of Yahweh." Obadiah delivers a message of divine judgment against Israel’s neighboring country, Edom, predicting its downfall and punishment for its actions. The book emphasizes that no nation or individual can escape God's justice, regardless of their power or pride.

Today's verse takes us to the prophet Obadiah's scathing rebuke of the Edomites, who thought they were invincible in their mountain strongholds. The Edomites were filled to the brim with pride, living high and mighty while looking down on others. They suffered from a severe case of what you could call "Mountaintop Syndrome." It's that feeling of superiority that makes you think nothing can ever bring you down.

How often do we fall into the trap of Mountaintop Syndrome? We might not dwell in literal lofty dwellings, but pride can infiltrate our hearts, making us feel untouchable. It could be our accomplishments, possessions, or even our spiritual knowledge that puffs us up. But here's the catch: pride always leads to a fall. "Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall." (Proverbs 16:18)

So, let's humble ourselves before the Lord. Remember, pride is a deceptive enemy lurking in the shadows, ready to trip us up when we least expect it. Let's trade in our Mountaintop Syndrome for a spirit of humility, recognizing that it is God alone who sustains and protects us. Any other attitude results in self-deception.

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