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Saturday, April 20, 2024

April 20 -- "Supersized Divine Mojo"

 Today's Reading: 2 Kings 2 

"Supersized Divine Mojo"

Have you ever asked for a double portion of pie à la mode? I sure have! Today, however, we see Elisha asking for a double portion of something way more substantial and life-changing: God's supernatural empowerment.

As we delve into 2 Kings 2, we witness a remarkable exchange between Elijah and his successor, Elisha. Picture this: they're crossing the Jordan River, having a deep conversation about life, miracles, and the best places to grab a falafel in Samaria. In this pivotal moment, Elijah offers Elisha the chance to request anything before his heavenly departure.

Elisha seizes the opportunity, but instead of asking for a new set of donkey wheels or a cloak that never wrinkles or a double portion of fig pudding, he asks for a double portion of Elijah's spirit, referring to the spiritual anointing and power of the Lord. It was God’s anointing and power that Elisha had witnessed upon Elijah’s life on many occasions, and he longed for the same.

Elisha recognized that the work ahead of him required a supernatural touch. He understood that to carry on Elijah's mission, he needed a double dose of divine mojo. And the same goes for us today! In our walk with God, we shouldn't settle for a spiritual happy meal; let's hunger for a supersized, extravagant, excessive, extreme anointing!

Let me encourage you, my brothers and sisters, to follow in Elisha's footsteps. Don't be content with a meager portion of God's Spirit. Ask for more! Seek His power, His guidance, and His presence in your life. God is not stingy with His blessings; He longs to pour out His Spirit on those who earnestly seek Him.

Are you a seeker of the double portion? If so, then let’s boldly approach the throne of grace. Let's ask, seek, and knock, trusting that our heavenly Father delights in giving good gifts to His children. Get ready for a supersized anointing, and enjoy your double dose of diving mojo! After all, God's blessings are so good, they're way better than pie à la mode! 

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