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Monday, April 22, 2024

April 22 -- "An Unconventional Healing"

Today's Reading: 2 Kings 4 

"An Unconventional Healing"

A “miracle” can be defined as an extraordinary and supernatural event that transcends the laws of nature and is caused by divine intervention. It is a remarkable occurrence or phenomenon that cannot be explained or understood through ordinary natural processes or scientific explanations. In this passage, we witness the incredible power of God working through the prophet Elisha. This is one of more than 200 miracles recorded in the pages of Sacred Scripture.

In this case, a young boy, who had fallen into a lifeless state, experiences a remarkable resurrection. In a rather curious and unconventional approach, Elisha lies on the child, exchanging warmth, breath, and touch. As a result, the boy's flesh comes back to life, and he is miraculously restored.

God often chooses to use ordinary people and “strange” methods to accomplish extraordinary things. Elisha was just a man, but he carried the anointing of God upon him. He displayed tremendous faith and acted with a deep sense of compassion. We, too, can be vessels through which God's power flows. We can bring life, hope, and restoration to those around us by allowing God's love to work through us.

Take a moment to consider the people in your life who are in need of God's touch. It may be a family member, a friend, or even a stranger. Don't underestimate the impact you can have when you choose to step out in faith, offering your warmth, your breath, and your touch. Your words of encouragement, acts of kindness, and prayers can bring life to those who are spiritually or emotionally dead.

Now, I don't recommend trying the "lying on someone" approach for a miraculous healing. You might end up with some strange looks or, worse, a visit from the local authorities. But, don’t limit God or His methods either. You never know when He will call upon you to do something odd or curious as a means of displaying His miracle working power.

Remember, God's power is not limited by our limitations. He can use our smallest acts of love and compassion, no matter how unconventional, to bring about remarkable transformations. So, let's be willing to stretch ourselves, just as Elisha did, and be conduits of God's healing and restoration.

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