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Thursday, April 25, 2024

April 25 -- "A Skeptic Misses Out"

 Today's Reading: 2 Kings 7 & 8

"A Skeptic Misses Out"

Doubting God's power can result in missing out on opportunities, blessings, or experiences. Doubt, when approached as a means of questioning and seeking deeper understanding, can lead to personal and spiritual growth. However, if doubt is accompanied by excessive skepticism or fear of exploring new ideas or beliefs, it will hinder growth and limit one's experiences.

Witness the captain's skepticism in today's reading from 2 Kings 7. It's like he enrolled in the "school of doubt" and graduated with flying colors. His response truly leaves us shaking our heads, wondering if he missed the memo on God's power and ability to do the impossible. Perhaps he needed a reminder that God is not bound by human limitations or even by building codes for that matter.

Unfortunately, his doubts overshadowed his ability to grasp the magnitude of God's intervention.

In our own lives, we may find ourselves relating a bit too closely to the captain's skepticism. We can be experts at coming up with reasons why God can't possibly work in our situations. We forget that the Creator of the universe is not limited by our limited understanding. So let's take a lesson from the captain's book, but with a twist. Instead of asking doubtful questions, let's ask, "What if God were to do the impossible in my life?" Now that's a question that can unleash a world of possibilities and leave us in awe of His mighty deeds.

Jesus had some powerful words to say about accomplishing the impossible. In Matthew 19:26, Jesus declared, "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible." Did you catch that? ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE.

Jesus emphasized a fundamental truth: human limitations and impossibilities are no match for God's limitless power. He shattered the notion that we can achieve salvation or overcome our deepest struggles through our own efforts alone. Instead, He pointed to the transformative work of God's grace and divine intervention.

In the end, the captain's skepticism serves as a reminder of the foolishness of doubting God's power. And the seriousness of taking God’s promises at face value. So, let's learn from the captain's doubtful response and choose faith over skepticism, knowing that our God is the master of opening windows in heaven and surprising us beyond measure.

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