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Saturday, April 27, 2024

April 27 -- "God's Reliable Word"

Today's Reading: 2 Kings 10 

"God's Reliable Word"

There is an unbreakable nature of God's word. It is reliable and certain, not empty rhetoric or wishful thinking, but something utterly incapable of failing or "falling to the earth." 

In today's passage, we find ourselves in the midst of an intense confrontation between Jehu and the followers of the wicked king Ahab. Jehu had been anointed as the new king of Israel and was on a mission to eradicate the entire house of Ahab, as commanded by the Lord. In his zeal, Jehu proclaimed the words found in 2 Kings 10:10 to reassure his fellow warriors that every single prophecy spoken by the Lord through Elijah would be fulfilled.

When Jehu declared, "Know then that there shall fall to the earth nothing of the word of the Lord," he was expressing his unwavering faith in the absolute certainty of God's promises. This powerful statement reveals the unbreakable nature of God's word. Jehu knew that every single word spoken by the Lord through His prophet Elijah would come to pass without exception.

The phrase "not one word falling to the ground" paints a vivid picture of the reliability and effectiveness of God's spoken word. It implies that God's promises are like arrows shot from heaven's bow, destined to hit their intended targets with unerring precision. It conveys the idea that God's word is not empty rhetoric or wishful thinking but a forceful declaration that carries the weight of divine authority and power.

In our lives today, it's crucial for us to grasp the significance of God's word never falling to the ground. We live in a world where promises are often broken, commitments are easily discarded, and words are empty. But the Lord stands in stark contrast to this. His word is steadfast and trustworthy. Every promise He has made will come to fruition.

This truth has practical implications for our faith and daily walk with God. When we encounter difficulties or challenges, we can cling to the assurance that God's promises remain unshakable. We can find comfort in knowing that His plans for us will be accomplished, His provision will be sufficient, and His guidance will be sure. 

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