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Sunday, April 28, 2024

April 28 -- "The Impact of a Good Mentor"

 Today's Reading: 2 Kings 11 & 12

"The Impact of a Good Mentor"

In today's Scripture, we witness the profound impact a good mentor can have on an individual's life. Jehoash, the young king of Israel, made a series of wise decisions and walked in the ways of the Lord. Behind his faithfulness, we find the guiding influence of Jehoiada the priest. This relationship played a pivotal role in shaping Jehoash's character and actions.

Spiritual mentorship is not a mere title or position. It's a calling that carries immense responsibility and influence. Whether in the realms of family, work, church, or community, a good mentor has the power to shape lives and inspire positive change. They can be a beacon of light, guiding others towards truth, righteousness, and wisdom.

As we reflect on the value of a good mentor, let's consider their remarkable contributions to our lives. They can be like a compass, helping us navigate the turbulent waters of uncertainty and providing a steady hand when we feel lost. A good mentor encourages us to rise above our limitations and challenges, reminding us of our true potential.

A good mentor possesses qualities that inspire and motivate those they lead. They lead by example, modeling integrity, humility, faith, and compassion. They empower others, encouraging them to grow, learn, and excel. They create an environment where individuals feel valued, heard, and supported. The goal of a godly mentor is to impart God’s truth into your life so that you, too, will do what is “right in the eyes of the Lord all your days.” As followers of Christ, we are called both to seek the wise counsel of this type of mentor.

Pray for God to bring influential mentors into your life who will lead you closer to Him. And while we wait for that perfect spiritual tutor, let's not forget the greatest Teacher of all—Jesus Christ. Dive into His Word, and let His teachings shape your life.

To be a good mentor, draw inspiration from the ultimate example—Jesus Christ. He demonstrated servant leadership, washing the feet of His disciples and laying down His life for all humanity. Seek His wisdom and emulate His love, for true mentorship is rooted in humility and self-sacrifice.

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