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Monday, April 29, 2024

April 29 -- "The Bones of Resurrection"

 Today's Reading: 2 Kings 13

"The Bones of Resurrection"

Our God is the God of life. He can breathe life into our darkest moments, resurrect our dreams, and empower us to walk in His resurrection power. After all, who'd-a-thunk that touching a dead prophet's bones would miraculously impart vibrant new life?

In this intriguing passage from 2 Kings 13, we encounter an extraordinary event—an unexpected resurrection! The story unfolds as a burial is interrupted by the sudden appearance of a marauding band. In their haste to escape, the mourners toss the dead man into the nearest grave, which happens to be the resting place of the prophet Elisha. As soon as the man's body touches the bones of Elisha, he miraculously comes back to life, rising to his feet. It's a vivid testament to the remarkable power of God at work, even beyond the grave.

While this account may seem bizarre to our modern sensibilities, it holds timeless truths that resonate with our lives today. It serves as a powerful reminder that God's power knows no limits. Somehow, Elisha's bones were the instrument God used to release His resurrection power. In the same way, God’s living Word is an instrument He uses to bring His life and power to the dead areas in our lives. It's a profound illustration of the life-transforming potential found in Jesus Christ.

Beloved, let us never underestimate the resurrection power of our God. When we face situations that seem lifeless, when hope seems buried, or when dreams appear dead and buried, remember that God specializes in bringing life out of death. He can breathe new life into our brokenness, restore our weary souls, and revive our passion for Him. Don't despair; instead, lean on the God who has the power to resurrect the seemingly impossible.

Can you imagine the expressions on the faces of the mourners? One minute they're trying to give a fitting farewell, and the next minute they're witnessing the extraordinary dynamic power of their life-giving Creator!

As we reflect on this incredible story of resurrection power, may we remember that our God is the God of life. He can breathe life into our darkest moments, resurrect our dreams, and empower us to walk in His resurrection power. So, let us approach each day with the assurance that nothing is beyond the reach of His mighty hand. Embrace the truth that God is in the business of bringing life from death, and with Him, all things are possible.

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