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Friday, May 10, 2024

May 10 -- "Upside-Down Morality"

 Today's Reading: Isaiah 5

"Upside-Down Morality"

In this verse, the prophet Isaiah delivers a warning about the dangers of moral relativism and moral confusion. He speaks of a society much like ours today that has lost its way, calling evil "good" and good "evil." It's like navigating through an upside-down world where right and wrong are flipped, leaving people disoriented and lost in a moral maze.

The relevance of Isaiah's warning couldn't be more apparent in our times. We live in an age of constant information bombardment, where opinions are plentiful, and truth is often obscured. The moral compass seems to be spinning wildly, and it's easy to be swayed by popular beliefs, regardless of their ethical standing.

One example of this is by calling abortion a matter of “personal choice” and framing it as a “reproductive right”, society diminishes the value of human life, disregarding the unborn child's inherent dignity and worth. Such relativistic thinking allows for subjective and situational ethics, making it difficult to draw clear lines on when life should be protected.

Let us not be deceived by the trends of the world or the clever arguments of those who twist the truth. Instead, let's anchor ourselves in God's Word, where true morality is found. Embrace the wisdom taught by godly teachers and mentors, for they can help us navigate this topsy-turvy world.

In this world with values constantly flipping like a fish out of water, hold on to the eternal truths of God's Word. Only God's truth reflects reality. So, let's navigate this crazy world with God's wisdom as our compass and yardstick of truth.

In addressing cancel culture and other instances of moral relativism, let us approach these issues with discernment, grace, and a commitment to upholding God's truth. We can be a positive influence in a world that often struggles to find consistent moral footing, demonstrating the love and wisdom of Christ in our actions and attitudes.

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