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Monday, May 13, 2024

May 13 -- "Ordinary People. Extraordinary Roles."

 Today's Reading: Amos 1 & 2

"Ordinary People. Extraordinary Roles."

God's calling is not limited to a select few. Amos, who prophesied around the same time as Isaiah, was not a professional prophet or part of a prophetic school but rather a shepherd and a gatherer of sycamore fruit. Despite his humble background, God called Amos to the critically important ministry of delivering messages of judgment and warning to the northern kingdom of Israel during a time of significant moral decline.

In today’s verse, the Lord reminds the people of Israel of His faithfulness and mercy towards them. He recalls how He set apart some of their young men as Nazirites and appointed prophets from among them. The Nazirites were consecrated individuals who voluntarily dedicated themselves to God, abstaining from wine and refraining from cutting their hair. The prophets were chosen to deliver God's messages to the people, calling them to repentance and obedience.

God's actions in raising up prophets and Nazirites reflect His desire for a relationship with His people. He chooses ordinary men and women and sets them apart for extraordinary purposes. Likewise, God has called each of us, in our uniqueness, to serve Him and be His messengers in this world. Whether or not we are gifted speakers, skilled artisans, or compassionate caregivers, we can be used by God to bring about His purposes.

Let us not forget that God's calling is not limited to a select few. Each one of us has been specially crafted and uniquely equipped to make a difference in the lives of others. Embrace your calling with joy and passion, knowing that God can use you in ways you could never imagine. Let's not be fickle like the Israelites, wavering in our commitment to God's plans. Instead, let us be steadfast and faithful, knowing that God's plans are always better than our own.

Remember that God's calling is not bound by convention or our expectations. Embrace your uniqueness, serve with passion, and hold on to God's plans with unwavering faith. Trust that He has a purpose for you, and even when life seems puzzling, God's got it all figured out!

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