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Thursday, May 16, 2024

May 16 -- "Unexpected Calling"

 Today’s Reading:  Amos 6 & 7

"Unexpected Calling"

Have you ever felt like you were the least likely candidate for an important job? Amos gets it. God doesn't always pick the most polished or theologically trained folks for His tasks. Where we see Amos’s calloused hands from fig dressing, the Lord sees tremendous potential. So, don't be surprised if one day you're called to deliver His message or to serve Him in some unexpected ways. 

Amos, grew up as a farm-boy. Yet, he found himself plucked from his humble herdsman life and thrust into the spotlight as a prophet. This unlikely prophet delivered powerful, God-anointed messages that ruffled more feathers than a henhouse in a windstorm. He spoke of judgment, repentance, and God's heart for justice. But hey, when God calls, even a fig-dresser can't ignore it!

You might be thinking, "But I'm not a prophet!" That may be true, but we are all called to share God's truth and love. Your story, no matter how ordinary, is part of God's grand narrative. When opportunities arise to share your faith, don't hide behind fig trees! Embrace the call like Amos did, knowing that God equips the unlikely for extraordinary tasks.

Remember, God doesn't necessarily call the most qualified; He qualifies the called. This highlights God's transformative work in our lives. It's not about how much we know or how skilled we are; it's about our willingness to respond to His call and our openness to be molded, trained, and equipped by Him.

Think of it this way: God is the ultimate life coach and trainer. He doesn't look for those who have it all together; rather, He looks for those who are willing to step out in faith and obedience, trusting Him to provide what is needed. Just like Amos, who started as a shepherd and fig-dresser, God can take our unique backgrounds, experiences, and even our shortcomings, and turn them into tools for His purpose.

So, when you feel that nudge, that inner calling to step into something that seems beyond your abilities, remember that God's call comes with His empowerment. He doesn't expect us to be perfect from the start. Instead, He equips us along the way, providing us with the skills, wisdom, and strength we need to fulfill His plans. God's approach is a refreshing reminder that it's not about what we bring to the table, but about our willingness to let Him work through us.

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