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Friday, May 17, 2024

May 17 -- "A Famine of God's Words"

 Today’s Reading: Amos 8 & 9

"A Famine of God's Words"

Imagine a bustling marketplace, booths laden with bread and water, yet hunger gnaws at the people. But it's not for physical sustenance; it's a hunger for the words of the Lord that goes unanswered. Amos, the farmer-turned-prophet, saw this spiritual famine looming, where the well of divine revelation runs dry, leaving hearts parched. “Water water everywhere, nor any drop to drink.”

During the time of Amos, the people of Israel had strayed far from God's ways. They had become complacent, engaging in social injustice, idol worship, and various forms of disobedience. Amos delivered this prophecy as a warning of God's impending judgment. The historical fulfillment of this prophecy can be seen in the exile of the northern kingdom of Israel by the Assyrians in 722 BC. This event resulted in a literal famine of God's words as the people were taken away from their land and temple worship was disrupted.

The fulfillment of this prophecy also has a spiritual dimension. Throughout history, there have been periods when God's revelation and spiritual understanding were scarce among His people. One notable example is the intertestamental period (the time between the Old and New Testaments), often referred to as the "silent years." During this time, there were no prophets, and God's direct communication with His people seemed to be on hold.

Another spiritual fulfillment can be seen in the rise of spiritual dryness and apathy among God's people in our modern day. These are times when individuals, communities, or entire churches have turned away from diligent study and application of the Scriptures, leading to a famine of God's Word. Despite the abundance of Bibles, books, commentaries, online resources, and sermons, many individuals and even entire cultures are experiencing a spiritual famine.

This famine isn't a mere scarcity; it's a dire warning to you and me to cherish and consume God's Word. It's a wake-up call to unplug from the noise of the world and tune in to heaven's frequency. J. Vernon McGee's voice echoes, "Get the Word into ya!" If you take the time now to absorb and internalize God’s word on a regular basis, you’ll always have His words with you.

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