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Saturday, May 18, 2024

May 18 -- "A Child is Born"

 Today’s Reading:  2 Chronicles 27 & Isaiah 9

"A Child is Born"

Most often quoted during Christmas season, today’s verse contains profound spiritual truths that should be invoked year-round. Isaiah 9:6, a timeless treasure from God's Word, unveils a prophecy about the coming Messiah, a Child to be born. It's like God teasingly whispered a glimpse of His grand plan into Isaiah's ear. Imagine the excitement Isaiah must have felt, like discovering the punchline to a divine riddle.

This verse bursts with rich titles for the Messiah: "Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace." These aren't just fancy job titles; they reveal the multifaceted nature of Jesus. Like a Swiss Army Knife, He's got every tool we need for life's challenges.

Ever faced a problem and thought, "What do I do now?" Hello, WONDERFUL COUNSELOR! When life throws a curveball, turn to Jesus for heavenly advice. He's got the ultimate strategy guide for this game called life.

Feeling weak? MIGHTY GOD to the rescue! He's got divine muscles and can bench-press your burdens. Next time you're struggling, remember you're not alone; you've got a spiritual bodybuilder on your side.

Lonely? Meet your EVERLASTING FATHER. The relationship status with God is "always there." He'll never ghost you, and His love isn't conditional on your latest Instagram post nor your latest failure.

And PRINCE OF PEACE? He’s not just about keeping the peace during family board games. He's the real deal, bringing an unexplainable serene calmness to our souls that defies the chaos around us. Next time you're stuck in traffic, channel His inner peace instead of honking like a mad goose.

So, folks, let's embrace Isaiah 9:6 like a survival guide for the human experience. When life gets confusing, remember you've got a Wonderful Counselor to untangle the mess. When you're ready to pull your hair out, trust in the Mighty God to carry the load. When loneliness creeps in, lean on your Everlasting Father's eternal love. And, finally, when the world feels like it's spinning out of control, take a deep breath and let the Prince of Peace calm your storm.

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