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Sunday, May 19, 2024

May 19 -- "Still Stretched Out"

Today’s Reading: Isaiah 10 

"Still Reaching Out"

Notwithstanding the darkness of our sin, God's hand is still reaching out to us, inviting us to turn back to Him. When we ponder the idea that nothing is beyond God's divine reach, it should evoke both awe and comfort within us. It reminds us that no situation is too complex, no challenge too insurmountable, no sin too unforgiveable, and no problem beyond His ability to address.

In this verse from the book of Isaiah, we witness the prophet's sobering depiction of God's righteous anger and, simultaneously, the mercy of His outstretched hand. Isaiah vividly portrays a scene of divine judgment upon a rebellious nation. Despite the display of God's anger, His hand remains outstretched, a symbol of His relentless pursuit of His people. This imagery reveals the tension between God's justice and His enduring love.

This verse calls us to examine our own lives and recognize the balance of God's attributes. Just as Israel faced consequences for their disobedience, we too can experience the repercussions of our choices. However, the unwavering truth is that God is committed to delivering the people He loves. This reminds us that God's outstretched hand is a sign of His compassion, protection, and salvation, even in times of judgment or discipline.

As followers of Christ, we should never take God's grace for granted. Let us not underestimate the seriousness of our actions, for God's anger is real. Yet, let us also remember that His hand remains outstretched, beckoning us to seek forgiveness and restoration. May we respond to His call with humility and contrition, acknowledging our need for His mercy.

Today, reflect on the balance between God's justice and mercy. Seek His forgiveness where needed, and embrace His open hand of grace. Embody the profound truth that even in the midst of righteous anger, God's hand is stretched out still, inviting us to experience His transformative love. His hand is stretched out to you, even now.

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