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Monday, May 20, 2024

May 20 -- "The Spirit Shall Rest Upon Him"

 Today’s Reading:  Isaiah 11 & 12

"The Spirit Shall Rest Upon Him"

The prophecy in Isaiah 11:2 was fulfilled by Jesus in remarkable ways, demonstrating His unique identity as the Messiah and the Son of God. Let's explore how each attribute mentioned in the prophecy was manifested in Jesus' life. The prophecy begins by stating that the Spirit of the Lord would rest upon Jesus. This signifies His close, intimate relationship with God the Father and the empowering presence of the Holy Spirit as Jesus carried out His divine mission.

Spirit of Wisdom and Understanding: Jesus consistently demonstrated wisdom and understanding beyond human comprehension. His teachings, parables, and responses to various situations showcased profound insight into the heart of God and the nature of the kingdom. People marveled at His wisdom, recognizing that it surpassed earthly wisdom.

Spirit of Counsel and Might: Jesus' ministry was characterized by His divine counsel and spiritual authority. He provided guidance and direction not only to His disciples but also to the crowds that sought His teaching. His authority over nature, demons, sickness, and even death displayed His unmatched might and power.

Spirit of Knowledge: Jesus possessed an unparalleled knowledge of God and His plans. He knew the Scriptures inside and out, often quoting them to reveal the fulfillment of prophecies by Himself (including Isaiah 11:2). His knowledge extended to people's hearts and thoughts, allowing him to speak directly to their spiritual needs.

Fear of the Lord: While Jesus was fully God, He also exemplified a deep reverence and submission to the Father. His obedience, humility, and submission to God's plan, even unto death on the cross, demonstrated His profound fear of the Lord.

Jesus perfectly embodied this prophecy of Isaiah. Jesus' entire ministry stands as a fulfillment of the prophecies regarding the coming Messiah, and His Spirit-filled life is a living testament to the truth of Isaiah's words.  As followers of Jesus, He dwells within us and we can experience the transforming power of the Holy Spirit in our own lives, just as He did. 

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