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Saturday, May 25, 2024

May 25 -- "The Company You Keep"

Today’s Reading: 2 Kings 16 

"The Company You Keep"

The choices we make about the people we surround ourselves with can significantly impact our faith and values. Today's passage presents a stark contrast between King Ahaz and his predecessor, King David. David, known as a man after God's own heart, exemplified obedience, humility, and a strong faith during his reign. He sought God's guidance, repented sincerely when he erred, and upheld God's commandments. This obedience brought blessings to the nation of Israel.

In contrast, Ahaz's actions showed a departure from the righteous path established by David. Instead of following David's example of seeking God, Ahaz chose to imitate the practices of the wicked kings of Israel, who were known for their idolatry and disobedience. This choice led Ahaz to forsake the worship of the true God in favor of embracing the gods of the surrounding nations. As 1 Corinthians 15:33 tells us, “Bad company corrupts good character.” Ahaz’s failure was foreshadowed by the ”bad company” he sought to imitate.

Ahaz's decision to follow the ways of the kings of Israel serves as a sobering reminder of the influence of our choices. It's easy to underestimate how the company we keep and the influences we allow into our lives can impact our beliefs and actions. This passage prompts us to reflect on the role models we emulate and the values we adopt. Are we imitating the faithful examples of those who walked closely with God, like David, or are we conforming to worldly standards that lead us away from God?

In a world that often values conformity over righteousness, we are called to stand firm in our faith, just as David did. Let us strive to seek God's will above all else, emulating the heart of David in our devotion. As we navigate life's challenges and temptations, may we remember that our choices not only affect our relationship with God but also influence the generations that follow. Let us be deliberate in choosing to follow the examples of those who upheld God's truth, leaving a lasting legacy of faithfulness for others to follow.

As George Washington once said, "Associate with men of good quality if you esteem your own reputation; for it is better to be alone than in bad company." May we have the discernment to recognize the paths that lead away from God's truth and the courage to remain steadfast in the ways of righteousness.

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