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Thursday, May 30, 2024

May 30 -- "In That Day"

 Today’s Reading: Isaiah 17 & 18

"In That Day"

The phrase "in that day" appears frequently in the Book of Isaiah and often refers to a future time of divine intervention, judgment, or salvation. In the immediate context of Isaiah 17:7, this expression points to a specific moment when the city of Damascus would face judgment due to its pride and reliance on its own strength.

Looking beyond the immediate context, "that day" also carries broader spiritual significance. It speaks of that time yet future when God's ultimate plans for redemption and restoration will come to fruition.

"In that day" paints a vivid picture of a future filled with God's triumphant glory and the ultimate fulfillment of His redemptive plan. Isaiah is pointing to the Day when God's presence and righteousness will be fully revealed. Imagining the moment when we gaze upon our Maker should inspire awe and humility. It speaks to a time when our faith will be made sight, and we will fully comprehend the depths of God's love, wisdom, and sovereignty.

Contemplating the nature of "that day" brings hope and assurance to our current lives. This future Day promises the resolution of all that's broken and the restoration of all that's lost. As we encounter challenges and uncertainties, we can draw strength from the promise that God's ultimate purpose will prevail.

Living in light of "that day" calls us to live with purpose, integrity, and an eternal perspective. Just as Isaiah urged his listeners to turn their eyes towards the Holy One of Israel, we are called to fix our gaze on Jesus, the embodiment of God's redemptive plan.

As believers, we're called to live as citizens of the Kingdom of God, anticipating "that day" with both excitement and responsibility. May the world see our excitement for that coming Day, not in idle chatter, but in transformed lives. Let them see the responsibility we bear, not in empty pronouncements, but in acts of love and service.

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