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Sunday, May 5, 2024

May 5 -- "Struck Down By Pride"

Today's Reading: 2 Kings 15

"Struck Down By Pride"

Pride is like a sneaky vine that creeps into our hearts unnoticed. It puffs us up, making us believe we can handle life on our terms, disregarding God's guidance. We may look at our achievements and think it's all because of our own abilities, forgetting that every good thing comes from God

In today's passage, we encounter Zechariah, the son of Jeroboam II, who reigned over Israel. Though he inherited the throne, he failed to learn from his father's mistakes and allowed pride to entangle him. The Scriptures tell us that he did evil in the sight of the Lord, following the footsteps of Jeroboam, who led the nation into idolatry and rebellion against God's commands.

By the way, this Zechariah mentioned in 2 Kings 15 is not the same person as the prophet Zechariah. This Zechariah is referred to as the son of Jeroboam II and the king of Israel. He reigned for six months before being assassinated by Shallum, who then took the throne.

Imagine Zechariah, strutting around with a "King of the Hill" attitude until, BAM! Down he goes like a bowling pin. And let me tell you, that's not the kind of strike you wanna celebrate. Just like Zechariah's reign was cut short because of his pride which led to disobedience, unchecked pride will eventually bring us down as well, leading to brokenness and spiritual downfall. 

Let us guard our hearts against the insidious grip of pride. Humility is the key that unlocks God's favor and blessings. When we acknowledge our dependence on Him, we open ourselves to His wisdom and guidance. Seek the Lord in prayer and His Word, continually surrendering your will to His. Remember, a humble heart is a teachable heart. 

Remember the cautionary tale of Zechariah, and let's keep our hearts free from the weeds of pride. Seek the Lord, submit to His will, and you'll find yourself on a path of blessing and joy, without the painful potholes of pride to trip you up along the way.

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