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Monday, May 6, 2024

May 6 -- "Uzziah's Secret to Prosperity"

 Today's Reading: 2 Chronicles 26

"Uzziah's Secret to Prosperity"

Have you noticed the myriad of “prosperity systems” being pushed on people today? Social media platforms are abounding with offers to share “secret” side hustles with you that will make you unbelievable wealthy. These systems often push ideas like "passive income" or investing secrets that are sure to result in massive returns. In fact, many "get rich quick" schemes focus on material gain and present it as a sign of God's favor. They promise a life of fulfillment, leisure, happiness, and success to those who implement their system.

The world around us teaches that the path to happiness lies in material wealth. But the Bible’s definition of “prosperity” is profoundly contrary to this definition. The Bible teaches that true fulfillment and happiness comes from a relationship with God without regard to your degree of material wealth. God may bless us with financial success, or He may not. But none of that matters because we can only truly “prosper” when we are vibrantly connected to Him.

In today’s verse we read, "As long as he sought the Lord, God made him prosper." This is a powerful statement that underscores the essential connection between seeking God and experiencing true “prosperity.” In the context of King Uzziah's life, this phrase emphasizes the direct correlation between his devotion to God and the success and blessings he enjoyed during his reign.

The verse highlights that Uzziah's first and foremost pursuit was seeking God. He wasn't seeking power, wealth, success, or fame. He recognized the importance of aligning his life with God's will and sought to know God intimately. This serves as a crucial lesson for us, too, as we should prioritize seeking God in our lives above all else. This is not to be construed as a guarantee of material or financial prosperity. We should never seek those things. We, like Uzziah, should prioritize seeking “the Lord.”

Moreover, we are invited to trust in God's goodness and providence. We can find comfort in knowing that when we seek God wholeheartedly, He is faithful to bless us according to His perfect plan for our lives through spiritual growth, personal development, spiritual fulfillment, and, on occasion, material prosperity.

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