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Wednesday, May 8, 2024

May 8 -- "Hiking God's Mountain"

 Today's Reading: Isaiah 2

"Hiking God's Mountain"

Today's verse invites us to take a hike up the majestic mountain of the Lord. Isaiah beckons us to ascend to His house and receive divine wisdom from the ultimate source Himself, our loving Creator. Referring literally, of course, to Mount Zion, the location of the Lord’s Temple, the mountain also symbolizes the place of God’s holy presence, where His teachings flow like streams of refreshing water. This is a place all of us can freely access anytime or any place.

But how can we hike up the mountain of the Lord? Finding our way to the mountain of wisdom described in Isaiah 2:3 requires a sort of “spiritual GPS” and fortunately, the Bible provides us with clear directions. Here's how to get there:

Prayer: Begin by praying and seeking God's guidance. Ask Him to lead you to His mountain of wisdom and to open your heart and mind to receive His teachings.

Study God's Word: The Bible is our map and compass. Delve into its pages, study the Scriptures, and meditate on its truths. God's Word is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path (Psalm 119:105).

Seek Wise Counsel: Surround yourself with fellow hikers who are also on the journey to gain wisdom. Seek the guidance of mentors, pastors, and wise believers who can share their experiences and insights with you.

Humility: As we trek up the mountain, we must approach God with humility. Acknowledge that He is the ultimate source of wisdom, and we are in constant need of His guidance.

Obedience: It's not enough to know the way; we must walk in it. This is the whole purpose of gaining wisdom from above: so we will walk in His paths. Obey God's commands and follow His precepts, trusting that His ways are best for our lives.

Faith: Sometimes, the path may seem steep or unclear, but keep the faith! Trust that God is with you on the journey, and His promises are true.

Perseverance: Climbing a mountain takes effort and endurance. There may be challenges and obstacles along the way, but don't give up. Keep pressing on, knowing that the reward of wisdom is worth it. Oh, what joy and satisfaction awaits the hiker whose God teaches us His ways!

Come, let us go up to the mountain of the Lord!

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