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Tuesday, June 11, 2024

June 11 -- "Destroyed for Lack of Knowledge"

Today's Reading: Hosea 4 & 5 

"Destroyed for Lack of Knowledge"

Today’s verse reflects a sobering reality: a lack of knowledge can ruin you. More literally, this verse says people can be destroyed "due to a lack of knowledge.” This serves as a powerful warning about the dangers of spiritual ignorance. It encompasses humanity’s vulnerability to deception resulting in disobedience to God, a loss of spiritual significance, generational consequences, and – if not addressed – loss of eternal life. It also emphasizes the vital importance of pursuing a deep, intimate knowledge of God and His Word to safeguard our spiritual well-being and walk in His ways.

In this context, "knowledge" refers primarily to knowledge of God and His ways, as revealed in His Word. With this foundational knowledge, God's people become spiritually resilient. They can discern true teachings, resist worldly influences, and stay anchored in the truth. Just as physical health thrives on a proper diet and exercise, spiritual health flourishes with a nourishing diet of God's Word and a lifestyle of walking in His ways.

Without this foundational knowledge, God's people become spiritually vulnerable. They are susceptible to false teachings, worldly influences, and a gradual drifting away from the truth.

For modern-day Christ followers, this passage serves as a stark reminder of the importance of knowing and living by God's Word. Just as Israel suffered due to their ignorance and rejection of God's commandments, we too can face spiritual consequences when we neglect our relationship with God and His teachings. This ignorance can lead to moral decay and a departure from God's blessings, as seen in contemporary society's struggles with ethical and spiritual issues.

To apply this lesson, we need to prioritize studying Scripture and living according to its principles. Commit to regular Bible study and prayer, seeking to understand God's will and implement it in daily life. Reflect on passages like 2 Timothy 3:16-17, which emphasizes the usefulness of Scripture in teaching and equipping believers for every good work. Make intentional efforts to deepen your knowledge of God and His Word, thereby fortifying your spiritual life and positively influencing those around you.

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