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Friday, June 14, 2024

June 14 -- "Break Up the Fallow Ground"

Today's Reading: Hosea 10 & 11 

"Break Up the Fallow Ground"

In Hosea 10:12, we are given a powerful call to action from the prophet. It is a call to cultivate a heart of surrender to the Lord. Just as a farmer reaps a harvest from what he has sown, we will reap a harvest of spiritual blessings if we respond to the prophet’s call.

The imagery of sowing, reaping, and breaking up fallow ground paints a vivid picture of spiritual cultivation. Just as a farmer diligently tills the soil before planting, we are called to prepare our hearts for God's work through repentance and righteousness. We must break up the hardened areas of our lives, allowing God's transformative grace to penetrate and produce a bountiful harvest of His steadfast love.

Today, we find ourselves in a world often hardened by sin and distractions. It's easy to become complacent and let our hearts grow hard. But God beckons us to take action. Get out the rototiller of God’s penetrating Spirit and turn that hardness into soft, gentle, fertile soil. Let's examine our lives, identify areas of hardness or unrighteousness, and earnestly seek God's forgiveness and guidance.

Then, we can sow seeds of righteousness by intentionally engaging in acts of love, kindness, and obedience. Reap the abundant harvest of God's steadfast love as we align our lives with His will.

Dear brothers and sisters, the time is now to seek the Lord with all our hearts. Break up the fallow ground within you through sincere repentance and surrender. Let the Word of God and the Holy Spirit till the soil of your soul. Cultivate a heart that is soft, receptive, and ready to receive the rain of God's righteousness. May we sow generously in the lives of others, scattering seeds of love, grace, and compassion. And as we do, anticipate a rich harvest of God's steadfast love in your life and in the lives of those around you.

When we break up the fallow ground of our hearts and cultivate a life of obedience, repentance, and love, we prepare ourselves to receive God's righteousness in abundance.

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