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Saturday, June 15, 2024

June 15 -- "Finding True Wisdom"

Today's Reading: Hosea 12, 13, & 14 

"Finding True Wisdom"

As believers, we are encouraged to seek wisdom and discernment by immersing ourselves in the Scriptures which reveal God's character, His will, and His ways. By diligently studying and meditating on His Word, we gain insights and understanding that guide us in our daily lives. True wisdom is found in aligning our thoughts, actions, and decisions with God's revealed truth.

The book of Hosea contains the prophecies and messages delivered by the prophet Hosea to the northern kingdom of Israel during a time of great moral and spiritual decline.

Hosea’s message through this book depicts a call to repentance and a promise of restoration from God to the people of Israel. God implores them to return to Him, to seek forgiveness and healing, and to abandon their sinful ways. The imagery used throughout the book, particularly in Hosea 14, likens their relationship with God to that of a faithful husband (God) and an adulterous wife (Israel). God expresses His longing for their return and His willingness to forgive and restore them.

In verse 9 specifically, Hosea concludes by emphasizing the importance of wisdom and understanding. He urges the people to grasp the message and wisdom God has presented through him. It underscores that true wisdom is found in understanding God's ways and walking in alignment with His righteousness, while those who reject His ways stumble and fall. Hosea's message encapsulates the plea for a return to God's wisdom and the blessings that come from obedience and understanding His divine principles.

Today, let us pursue wisdom with a fervent heart. Seek God in His Word, pray for understanding, and ask for discernment. May we be intentional in our pursuit of knowing the ways of the Lord and strive to live in alignment with His righteousness. As we walk in obedience and seek to follow Him, we will find that His ways are right and true.

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