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Sunday, June 16, 2024

June 16 -- "Line Upon Line"

 Today's Reading: Isaiah 28Isaiah 28

"Line Upon Line"

In ancient Israel, teaching was often done by writing one line at a time on a scroll or a tablet. The teacher would then repeatedly read the line aloud to his students. The students, particularly those training to become scribes or scholars, would copy the content of scrolls over and over. Upon mastery of that one line, the teacher would move on to the next line, teaching precept-by-precept. Little by little, the students would gain proficiency and understanding of the whole of the matter.

This repetition of the phrase emphasized the patient, step-by-step process of imparting knowledge and understanding. God uses this imagery to convey His desire for His followers to grasp His teachings progressively, building upon foundational principles and truths.

Applying the concept of reading the Bible "line by line, chapter by chapter, book by book" aligns with this systematic and deliberate approach to understanding and internalizing the teachings and messages within the Scriptures.

In our spiritual journey, we are encouraged to approach the study of God's Word methodically, repeatedly, patiently, and in its entirety. We should not seek instant, complete comprehension, but rather embrace a continual and diligent pursuit of understanding. Each encounter with Scripture, each layer of comprehension, each application in our lives adds a new line, deepening our understanding of God's character, His will, and His ways.

By studying the entire Bible, rather than a collection of “favorite topics,” in this systematic and diligent manner, you'll gain a profound understanding of God's revelation, His character, His plan for humanity, and how you can live in accordance with His will. It's a journey that continually unveils the richness and depth of God's Word as you progress through its sacred pages.

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